While learning about heating, venting, and air conditioning can be interesting in and of itself, most people attend school for HVAC training so they can get a job in the field after graduation. If you're wondering what your career prospects are once you graduate, here are two jobs you can obtain with your degree.

Solar Panel Installer/Technician

It may seem odd that you would qualify to work with solar panel systems as an HVAC training graduate. After all, the industry seems primarily concerned with installing and fixing heating and cooling systems, right? The truth is, solar technology is a subset of the HVAC industry. In fact, solar is becoming a big part of heating (solar thermal systems) and cooling (solar air conditioning) systems being produced today. Therefore, pursuing a job in this part of the industry can lead to a long-term career.

As a solar panel installer/technician, you would be responsible for placing solar panels on homes and businesses and connecting them to heating and/or cooling units. Your job would also involve diagnosing and fixing problems that occur with the system and advising homeowners about the care and maintenance of their solar equipment.

You can expect to earn an average of $24,000 to $36,000 per year depending on your education. However, you can make more if you live in areas where solar systems are in high demand. Since solar is part of the worldwide push for renewable environmentally friendly energy, job prospects in this field are very good.

Commercial Refrigeration Technician

For a little bit of extra time and money, you can obtain additional HVAC training in refrigeration and get a job installing, repairing, and maintaining refrigeration systems for a variety of business, such as restaurants and grocery stores. In this position, you would perform a variety of duties, including refilling refrigerants, calibrating thermostats, and installing new or replacement equipment to ensure the clients' climate control systems work properly.

Refrigeration is something that will always be needed in both the residential and commercial spheres. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in this industry are expected to grow 15 percent by 2026. The median pay for technicians in this field is $45,910 per year.

There are many other jobs available that you can obtain with your HVAC training. Contact a career counselor at a local trade school to explore your post-graduate employment options or to discuss how HVAC training can benefit you in other ways.
